What is a Plant Based Diet?


Although sometimes referred to as “vegan”, the “whole food, plant-based” diet is one in which all foods are eaten as close to their natural state as possible, minimizing salt, oils and sugar in order to primarily overcome food-addiction, unnatural weight gain and inflammation.

We understand that this isn’t always straight forwards so we’ve created a simple proportion for you when making up a plate or choosing a dish in a restaurant.

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50% Vegetables 

Low in calories and packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, vegetables should form the basis of your plate. Focus heavily on green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, chard, broccoli and then add a few different coloured vegetables such as peppers, carrots, squash and aubergine. 

Ensure that when cooking vegetables oils are kept to a minimum (1-2tbsp per meal). You can saute vegetables in vegetable broth, steam them or bake them in the oven to keep the calories low. 

20% Grains 

Grains are high in fiber and protein, essential to optimal digestion and muscle repair. Freekh, bulgar wheat, quinoa (if it’s available) and brown rice

25% Legumes

Your main source of protein, legumes have no fat content and are a cheap, easy source of protein. There are hundreds to choose from so try experimenting and finding your favourites. From chickpeas and fava beans to cannellini beans, black beans, kidney beans, green peas. 

5% Nuts and Seeds 

Add a small handful of nuts and/or seeds to any dish to boost the healthy fats and fiber. Ensure that all nuts and seeds used are raw and unsalted. 


You can use unlimited herbs, spices and vinegars to season your food so learning more about cooking and flavours from around the world can help make your challenge much easier to stick to.

What are your favourite whole-food, plant based recipes? Share them with us on Instagram @plantb.tv or email info@plantb.tv for a chance to be featured on our website or in future episodes.